Monday, August 19, 2013

HELP! HELP! HELP! ---Nameology - I Could tell you your future predictions or your current personality traits on the basis of your name only

This unique picture is just for attracting you. Actually this is a real picture, She has longest tongue in the world. And the picture in the right is me.

I'm Discoverer of New study Nameology.
My motive is to get aware you of my new study Nameology which tell one's personal traits and future predicitions on the basis of one's name only.

I've been a fighter in every aspect of my life. But this time load on me is very high financially and economically to complete my studies. I took money from my friends to complete my studies till now. Now my aim is to study high Quality Education abroad and for that I''m raising fund for my higher Study. For that I'm using my inbuilt talent of reading people future through various means. Even I can tell you about your coming meetings how its going to be if its like in coming days. I could tell you things to avoid to get what you want. 
I Could tell you about anybody's  personal traits and his/her future predictions. I could also help you find loyal partner or Client on the basis of his name only.

******** Now a little about Numerology according to birth dates of individuals**********

Numerology - Your Life-Path number is probably the most influential numerological aspect to be considered. This number is determined by your birth date and represents who you are at this time. It indicates specific traits that are present and will likely be active and influential throughout your lifetime.

If your Life-Path number is ONE, your life is likely to be characterized by the need for personal fulfillment, independence, pioneering and individualistic desires. Key words for a ONE Life-Path number are attainment, initiating action, independence, pioneering, leading and individual.

If your Life-Path number is TWO, your life is likely to be characterized by productive interaction with others. You will have a strong sense of fairness and the profound ability to keep things in balance with others. Key words for a TWO Life-Path number are cooperation, mediation, consideration of others, partnering, and adaptability.

 If your Life-Path number is THREE, your life is likely to be characterized by the undying need for expression. This can take the form in conversation but also in the arts. Typically, the THREE has an above-average ability in some art form. This can encompass painting, interior decorating, crafts, writing, music, drama or all of the above.

  If your Life-Path number is FOUR, it’s good to recognize that it’s strongly connected to the element of Earth from which it gains its strength and profound sense of reality. FOUR’S can be seen as the cornerstones of our society with their innate sense of dedication, hardworking ethics and standards of excellence.

 If your Life-Path number is FIVE, a love of sensation and adventure will likely be prominent for you. FIVE’S are very social and enjoy fun-loving light-hearted company as opposed to serious philosophical conversation. The average FIVE is not too worried about tomorrow but is generally happy go lucky. However, while laughter may be the drug of choice, many FIVE’S spend time searching for the answers to life’s questions.

If your Life-Path number is SIX, a sense of responsibility will likely be prominent for you. SIXES are considered to be the most domestic of numbers and live a path related to leadership through example. This assumption of responsibility generally means that as a SIX, you’re always there to help others in any way you can. In fact, you must need to feel useful in order to be truly happy.

If your Life-Path number is SEVEN, depth of thinking and the ability to gain knowledge from most everything will be something you’ve experienced since an early age. SEVEN is considered the ‘spiritual’ number and such qualities as intuition will be prominent.

  If your Life-Path number is EIGHT, the pursuit of money and status will be the most prominent for you. Those with a Life-Path number of EIGHT are often the most powerful, confident and materially successful people there are.

If your Life-Path number is NINE, yours is a philosophical number. In this, you’re likely to hold an elevated position that poses certain responsibilities in the scheme of things. You’re likely to be extremely compassionate and giving up material goods for the common good of all may be something that is a regular occurrence in your life.

If your Life-Path number is ELEVEN, yours is a Master Vibration number associated with spiritual awareness. Master Vibration people tend to possess an understanding and knowledge beyond others. As an ELEVEN, you are thought of as being on a higher spiritual plane.

If your Life-Path number is TWENTY-TWO, yours is the highest and most powerful number there is. A Master Vibration number of TWENTY-TWO is quite rare and this path can be the most difficult to live up to and fulfill.



Always Keep distance from people who born from 19 feb. to march 19 i.e zodiac sign Pisces.
                                                                          and  19 mar to 19 apr i.e zodiac sign Aries.
                                                                          and  21 nov to dec 20 i.e zodia sign Sagitarius.


Check your love partner compatibilty withe help of you Zodiac Signs.
Tell me your Zodiac signs I'll reply you within 24 hours.


Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Uranus in Aries, the Moon in Leo, and Venus in Sagittarius form a wide trine that will keep you busy, but it will be a good busy. One person or another will set into motion circumstances that will keep you on your toes, creating new connections to other people and possibly allowing you to make deeper inroads into a more profound romantic life. The people outside your circle may even say how lucky you are, but you will know that your efforts are based on hard work.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Mercury, Pluto, and the Sun are all posited in Capricorn. Capricorn is generally regarded as a business-oriented sign, which indicates a great deal of hard work. Pluto, the planet of wealth, will make sure your efforts aren't unrewarded. You may think that things are coming just a little too easy, but don't wait for the other shoe to drop! If you're getting more than you've gotten previously, you've earned it all the way.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): The start of the year puts Jupiter, planet of success and good fortune, in lofty Gemini, high in the sky, forming a sextile with Uranus, the planet of luck, in fiery Aries... a truly lucky combination for you. In addition, one of the two incomplete Grand Trines involves Air Signs: Jupiter, planet of luck and success, in Gemini, the Ascendant in Libra, the sign ruling partnerships, and Mars, planet of energy and action, in Aquarius, planet of group activities as well as the future. This means energy within your intellect will create success. Your problem-solving abilities will be at their apex, helping to find solutions with remarkable ease.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): The second incomplete Grand Trine is a water trine involving the Midheaven in Cancer, the sign ruling home and family. There is also Saturn, planet of perseverance as well as career matters, in Scorpio, and Neptune, planet of romance and idealism, in romantic and psychic Pisces. This trine creates an environment of elevated spiritual and emotional strength. Aided by a Solar Eclipse in early November, this year is bookended by aspects that are conducive to happy reunions, joyous reconciliations, and strong romantic connections.


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Email me the name of the person you want to know about.
Email me the situation or condition of a business meeting you want to know about. I'll tell you things to avoid.
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Thanks & Regards
Vishal Kr Raghava

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